when will it end?
The madness never stops. How are you going to pull a plot together? ...
when will it end?
The madness never stops. How are you going to pull a plot together? ...
Finish it.
Good, smooth animation.
Well, it's my goal to make this my only incomplete submission...I was a little impatient...still am, to a degree. But that's why I've been sweating so much on my current flash-project, Z.O.A.
Soon enough, though, it will be finished. Thanks for the review!
...But great! 102 cookies. Great line.
actually a million and two cookies, but I getcha XD
It's okay.
You should make it longer. but it's fine.
yeah I was really bored, lol.
Wonderful. "The Apeture Science Center wauld like too remind you thata the companion cube cannot talk."
Make part two NOW!!!
lololololloloolololololollolololooooo ool
no words needed
DUDE! You have to make a sequel!
Joined on 11/9/08